
The Comics Pimp

Comic Book Resources estrena columna. Esta vez es James Sime quien toma la palabra. Sime se ha hecho bastante famoso desde que abrió Isotope en San Francisco, un lugar que se ha empeñado en convertir en la mejor tienda de cómics -y ejemplo a seguir- de Estados Unidos.

"There is always a lot of talk that the direct market is broken, that the comics aren't getting into the people's hands and that maybe the comic stores should just go the way of the dodo bird.


Comic books are hip. You know it and I know it, Hollywood knows it, TV network executives know it, Entertainment Weekly knows it, hell, even my Mom knows it. Right now, awareness of the medium is at an all time high. Those who don't read comics are getting the message, and all the eyes are on us. The people want to know what we've got going on and they want in on the action. If we're going to make the most of all the attention our industry is seeing, we're going to have to start kicking ass. Being a good retailer is no longer good enough. It's time for the collective retail community to step up to the plate and swing for the fucking fence. Comics have "grown up" and now it's time for our retail establishments to follow suit."

Una columna bienvenida, ya que desde que terminarán las columnas de Matt Fraction, Larry Young y Warren Ellis el panoráma se había vuelto más bien aburrido.

Esperemos que la columna de Sime mantenga la calidad de la primera entrega y mantenga el interés en alto.

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